November 12, 2011


hello! again i'm updating this because of this little fatin hanani.
okay fine. she tagged me on one of her post and now i'm updating my blog because of her. so please, be pleasure! :D

it looks easy but not at all actually.
*i mean it!
okay now, let move on and trying hardly to do this thing. *hardly? derrrr.

First step copy paste term and conditions.!

1.You must post this rules..
2. Each person must post eleven things about themselves in their journal..
3. Answer the question the tagger set for you in the post & creat new questions for the people who you tag to answer..
4.You have to choose eleven people and link them on the post..
5. No tag back okay..

Second step..

tell everyone about you. 11 things about me:
1. i'm not into political issues but sometimes i get interested to know a little bit about that because i'm going 21 and going to choose for my democratic government, so its part of my jobs kan?
2. i love pink much. and i think everyone knw about thaT. so nothing special about this.
3. i'm the third's in my family. and i love three, and when i had my period pain, its going to be soo worse on my first and my third day. *ia fact
4. csw sangat suka click new post and i have lots of 'draft' in my 'edit posts'. ia bermaksud? TIADA MAKSUD.

5.dalam bag saya, akan selalu ada tisu, so if u need tisu just ask. sebab i know i always get running nose. so its precaution. :D
6.even i love pink so much, i do not have many clothes in that colour. means, memang begitu.
7. i love to call my own phone number because i love my caller ringtone! yes i do.
8.bila aku bosan, aku tulis status yang tak ada kena mengena dengan hidup aku. 
9. aku sangat suka tangkap gambar, tapi aku tak suka tangkap gambar nampak gigi. *sangat tak suka
10.friend request dekat facebook ada 20++ kerana belum ada rasa rajin untuk check siapa mereka. nanti lepas saya kenal pasti baru cheq approve naaa. 
11.kalau fatin prefer messages, aku pulak prefer miskol orang banyak banyak sahaja. 

dan di bawah ni pulak, soalan soalan cepumas dari cik fatin hanani. 

1. Siapa Fatin Hanani di mata anda?
okay. it sounds weird to answer this even everyone knew about that, but this one is tag so please do not ask for other question syafira, just do it.
fine! *propaganda sebentar
fatin hanani is my BGFF, and also my ex-classmate, ex-tuisyenmate, and also my cooks! for certain foods only. because she's not as masterchef's likee i do. am i right fatin? :)

2. Percaya tak dengan 'Cinta Pndang Pertama'?
absolutely, yes! kerana kerana.. malas cerita. ;')

3. Nak buat apa kalau rindu dekat seseorang?
misscall him! and dia akan call balik. ia sangat jimat selain dapat lepas rindu. try it!

4. Apa ciri-ciri kekasih idaman hati?
solat 5 waktu, and he must love Allah more than me. and a part of that, i love someone who love to wear white shirt. :'D

5. Apa yang orang tak tahu tentang diri anda?
saya suka tidur macam UDANG.

6. kadang-kadang kita perlu hipokrit untuk menjaga hati orang lain.Setuju tak dengan statement ni?
tak! i'm not going to be plastic just to make everyone happy. everyone should be happy by accept others as what as they are. so please, jangan senyum kalau awak tak nak senyum, sebab sumpah! ia sangat sampah.

7. setiap kali tiba Birthday,apa yang anda harapkan?
saya harap semua bestfriend saya akan ingat borndate saya. 
*two of them, doesn't seem to remember my important day until today. T__T

8. Kelebihan dan kelemahan anda?
kelebihan saya, saya reti kilatkan kuku, tapi kelemahannya, saya tak reti kepit kuku. 

9. Apa yang anda suka pada diri sendiri?
saya suka, jari tangan dan kaki saya, mereka sangat panjang. 
*believe me ia sangat sangat panjang.

10. Kawin nanti nak tema apa? (tetiba cerita pasal kawin ni takpe kan?)
theme for my wedding? tin! im too young to think about that. sorry not decide yet!

11. 11 tahun lagi,siapakah anda?
saya tetap saya, seorang syafira yang awak kenal masa awak kat pusat tuisyen intelek tu. :D

dan sekarang ini soalan daripada cheq, untuk hampa semua,
1. kalau makan korank start minum air dulu tak?
2. korank kidal ke kadal?
3. lagu apa yang tengah bertakhta di hati hampa semua saat ni.
4. kalau korank lapaq la, yang tahap macam orang somalia nu, hampa nak tak makan makanan yang hampa tak suka. cth: csw tak makan lemang, in fact tak pernah makan pun, so bila darurat, MUNGKIN csw akan makan as alas perut, mungkin laaa kalau kalau darurat tu jadi masa hari raya kan, tengah byk lemang pulak time tu, so kena makan jugak, if not mampuih lak aku. 
so macam korank plak?
5. korank suka tengok blog orang lain, atas dasar apa, cantik ke? best ke? ape?
6. kalau korank berada kat China, korank ada time budak cina 'kena langgar' tu. apa korank buat? *as malaysian
7. korank suka colour ape? sebab apa?
8. korank rasa orang cantik tu cantik atas dasar apa?
9. let's tell us, about ur first love. how u met him/her?
10. the last thing, u bought by your own pocket money? *own me, sendirian berhad!
11. last person u text?

okay now, your turn. nah!
5-11. siapa siapa yang ada blog. *sumpah pemalas :)

# everyone keep saying that they like me more in my past. means, when i keep wearing my bawal and keep blow my own scarf bila ia mess. is that mean, i looks weird in shawl?

a little word : my heart's a stereo. :')


Anonymous said...

not weird but more cute bila pakai tudung bawal. boleh je nak pakai shawl tapi maybe yang tak berbelit2 sgt2.. hehe :D

arifays said...

sumpah kalau cheq tau sapa kau ni anonymous cheq nak belanja hang makan.